Archive for December, 2012


2012 in review

I didn’t even know I would get an “annual report” on my blog.  Cool.  Whereas I don’t know that I’m headed for the blogging hall of fame anytime soon it’s still pretty neat to see.  The report is below if you’re interested.  Hope you have a happy New Year!

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 3,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 5 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.


Successful New Years Resolutions

Am I too early to blog about New Years Resolutions?  I don’t think so.  I went to Wikipedia and looked them up and here is what I found:


I even found this image:


That’s all well and good, but then I read this:

A 2007 study by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail

Ouch.  If I may, I’ll suggest that it’s because most of those “resolutions”, stink.  Improve finances?  Become more organized?  What does that mean?  A better goal would be to have x dollars in y account by z date.  Or as for organization, learn x about Microsoft Outlook and connect my phone calendar to my home calendar by a certain date.

Or better yet, meet with one of the organization specialists at Wilson Lumber by the end of January 🙂  “What’s that?” you say, “organization specialist at Wilson Lumber?”  Yes, I say.  Have you considered what you could do with your closets past simple wire shelving or a wood shelf with a rod?  How about something like one of these?

freedomRail Closet   Classica Laundry

Or have you looked in your garage lately?  Does it need help?

freedomRail Garage   freedomRail Garage

These pictures only show a couple of options.  To see what we can do in Laundry Rooms, Pantries, Home Offices and a whole lot more, you can go to or  (Schulte is changing their name to Organized Living so I’m not sure how long the website will be named that.)

So, this years resolution is to meet with one of our designers, come up with a budget for the project, and get it done.  Easy, right?

Seriously, if you’re interested come by and see Amy or Linda.  Call us at 256-852-7411 or see us on the web.


what to blog about on december 21st

So, what do you blog about on December 21st?  There are a good many possibilities.

It would be easy to mention late Christmas gifts:


I could talk about cold weather preparation:


Or how about potential 2013 projects?


But really, it’s 4 days until Christmas.  And I may not get another opportunity to blog before then.  So in that light, is there anything else to blog about but Jesus?

Here it is simply.  God saw that we people had a need.  Our need is that we are sinful and therefore, separated from Him.  And though we are sinful, He still loved us enough to send His son, Jesus, to be a sacrifice for our sin.  So that if only we will make Him Lord of our lives, our sin is forgiven, and we have a home forever in heaven.

It’s really not more complicated than that.  Simple, not easy.  Would you consider trusting in Him this Christmas season?  I hope so.  If there’s anything we can do for you, let us know.


what drives me nuts is…

You know what drives me crazy?  How some people use their blog to shamelessly promote Christmas gifts at their store.


Not that it applies to me of course.  I mean, what in the world would a lumber company have that would be a good Christmas present anyway?


It’s ridiculous.  Blog’s are for relevant, helpful information.  Not some dumb advertisement for selling stuff.

Patio Door

Besides that, there are plenty of websites out there to find gifts, we don’t need another one pushing stuff in our face.


I don’t know.  The only thing I could think of that would be worse is if a blog finished with a small “collage” of pictures trying to give hints for people to come and buy stuff.

Is Ys Es Qs

Nope, none of that shameless “self-promotion” here…  By the way, did I mention that if you ever would need anything you’d call us at 256-852-7411?  Or I suppose you could see our website at


i hate painting

Now when I say I hate painting, what I really mean to say is that I hate painting.  I tell people that me painting is proof of how much I love my wife.  There is no-one else on earth I would paint for (well, OK maybe Mom, but I would probably ask for some Peach Cobbler in return).

Why is this important?  Well, I had to show my devotion to my wife, via painting, this week.  This is the first opportunity I have had to use the Valspar Medallion paint that we stock at Wilson Lumber.  Holy moly!  That is good stuff.  I only put on a second coat out of a sense of obligation.

Medallion Cans

Now, was I clear enough on how I feel about painting?  I want to be sure because you must understand that for me to say I am impressed with a paint is a really big deal.  Before now, I just considered paint to be like communism.   Its all bad, just different level’s of badness.

Oh, I don’t know.  This is most certainly the worst sales pitch ever.  But if you’re like me and must paint, why don’t you give us a try?  And if you like painting (and I know some of you crazy people do), I can’t imagine how you’ll feel about it when you use it.

Paint Display

If we can help you out (by providing paint or some other home item), give Mike Wallace a call at 256-852-7411, or visit our website.  Happy painting!


No Substitute for Good People

It’s Saturday morning at 8:30.  As I was busily working (OK, I was really on my way to the supplies room to get more sugar and creamer), I noticed this:

Clean warehouse

Nice clean warehouse

Now we have good procedures and most items we carry generally stay in the right spot and are laid out well.  But this particular area is historically not as neat and clean as we would like it to be.

That’s why it is so noticeable this morning.  See, recently we hired a guy (Eric Jensen) to work this area as well as some other duties to keep things moving.  The picture above shows what happens when you hire good people.  There is no substitute for good people.

As is also evidenced here:

Coolers & Bags

And here:


No, we don’t have national programs with Rubbermaid or Mossy Oak.  Or even expensive seasonal banners hanging from the ceiling like Target.

What we do have is creative people who care about their work.  People who get joy out of a job well done and a Christmas Tree well lit.

So come see us and find out if we can prove my theory about having good people, I think you’ll agree.